

Saturday, August 15, 2015

My really, really, OFFICIAL MENTEE BIO

Last week I posted a little (meme heavy) "about me" post, before I knew that Mentee Bio's were an official thing with a blog hop and a hashtag and everything.  I felt the need to up my game.  So....

Take Two.

Who am I?
My name is Niki Lenz, and I live in Kansas City, Missouri with my husband and two kiddos.  My husband is a police officer, and I'm a stay at home mom.  My kids are Loralie (7) and Roman (3).  Here's our family wearing white on the beach (like ya do.)
I went to Southwest Baptist University, and have my degree in Elementary Education.  I taught Kindergarten for six years in the inner city, which was interesting.  Then I worked as a wedding planner for three years, which was even more interesting.  Kindergarteners and brides have a lot in common.
I decided to start writing novels kind of on a whim.  I thought I wanted to write picture books, and I heard about Nanowrimo at a writer's group.  It sounded like a fun challenge, and now, six novels later, I can honestly say it changed my life!

Things I Love:
These guys.

Anything vintage:  Red lipstick, polka dots, Buddy Holly, hot rollers, Motown, dresses that twirl.

BOOKS:  So so many books.  I read a lot of MG, YA, and even occasionally some adult.  Here's my Goodread's Profile, to see all my faves.

Movies:  Anything based on a book.
(I know this is supposed to be my less silly bio, but come on... this picture makes me wanna pee my pants.)
Oh, plus Pitch Perfects One and Two and Sharknado.  Don't judge me.  Watch it with wine, you will laugh so hard.

TV:  Gilmore Girls, Game of Thrones, The Office, Parks and Rec, Reign, Downton Abbey, Call the Midwife, Friends, Breaking Bad

Food:  Chocolate, sushi, pizza, cheese, anything that I didn't have to cook.
Travel:  I've been to Jamaica, Hungry, Romania, Ireland, Mexico and Italy

 Friends:  I am involved in MOPS, Bunko, Women's Bible Study, Church, and I have a close group of friends.  I am also involved in three writing critique groups, and I am a member of SCBWI.
(Here's me *middle* and two of my besties at a sporting event.  I didn't even bring a book!)

Hidden Talents:  I know the words to every song EVER, sewing, blogging, photography, craftiness.  I know four chords on a guitar and lots of songs that only require five chords.

Things I don't Love:
cop haters
mean kids
having to wait for sequels
negativity or people with bad attitudes

Okay, well that was only slightly more informative and professional than my last attempt, but I am hoping that my MS will give you a peek into my soul.  (Also, it should be noted that I make a cameo appearance in THE MANNY AND THE MOTORCYCLE.  Miss Jane = ME.)

Thanks for taking the time to read this!


  1. Great bio! We should hang out ;)

    1. We should! When is teleportation going to be a thing?

  2. Oh, we have SO much in common! I also was Elementary Education major and taught inner city for 5 years before our school closed, and I had the opportunity to stay home with the kids. :) And we both have written a gender-flipped retell. <3

    1. I feel like we would be besties if we lived in the same state.

  3. I'm bummed because this comment will link you to my personal (and nearly defunct) blog instead of my author one, but oh well.

    I loved this. So, so, so funny. And if anyone tells you to take down the Twilight and Rerding is fendermenter memes, you must unfriend them immediately. You don't need that kind of negativity.

    1. This is Jen Henderson, BTW. I'm not really a skull.

    2. This is Jen Henderson, BTW. I'm not really a skull.

    3. Haha, Thanks Jen! I knew you would get my memes...

  4. My mentee bio is here: https://kathleensallen.wordpress.com/2015/08/06/my-pitchwars-mentee-bio/
    Nice blog!
