What I'm Reading: I am about half way through MOONSHINER's GOLD by John R. Erickson . I am trying to read a bunch of books set during prohibition before I start my nano project. Even though the story is not close to mine, I think it's a good way to get those kind of voices in your head.
What I'm Writing: I am outling my nano project which I think I have titled THE BOOTLEGGER'S LETTERS. The hook is "Breaking Bad meets You've Got Mail set in the Prohibition". My word count goal is 70K for this one, as it is YA, and I am a little bit intimidated by that number. That's a lot of scenes folks! I am not one of those people who "overwrites" and has to cut my word count by half. Not. At. All. So this will be a challenge for me. I also joined an online modern day moonshiner's forum this week with a profile and everything hoping to meet some "expert consultants". The things we do as research...
What Works for Me: I am trying a new thing with my outline this time where I include a column in the spreadsheet for Conflict and Goodies. Conflict is exactly how it sounds. I want to make sure there is tension in every scene. Goodies are just the little bits that make a scene exciting to read (and write). I want to make sure there is something interesting and fun or exciting in every scene as well.
What Else I've Been Up To: I had a near nervous breakdown with my two year old this week and after throwing a teensy tiny fit to my husband, I convinced him that Mama needs a break. Two mornings a week of Parents Day Out? Yes please! I am so excited! I will actually get to go to the dentist, or go get my eyebrows waxed. I love my son, but gosh it will be great to drop him off! LOL